Category Archives: Past Internships

Week Three: Proofs Galore

Week three had me back in my cubicle, mostly editing and battling with Drupal, the software platform Bonnier uses for their online content. I am usually quite good with technology, and I caught on pretty quickly, but glitches in the system tested my patience a bit… I ended up spending the entire day on a post that I thought would take me two hours. But it turned out looking great, and I learned a lot. Shout out to Alex Bean for the awesome crash course in HTML and CS5!

First priority all week were the “Epsons,” which are basically the final copies we ship to print. They need to be perfect. Scuba Diving’s Oct/Nov issue was shipped to print on Wednesday, and with Mary Frances gone and Patricia in the sales meetings all week, the pace was fast and furious.

Epson Proof

ScubaLab's Sept./Oct. Gear guide was all about dive computers. We write edits on sticky notes so the quality printing isn't messed up.

ScubaLab’s Sept./Oct. Gear guide was all about dive computers. We write edits on sticky notes so the quality printing isn’t messed up.

I loved it.

I really felt a part of the team—after all, it really does take a team to get the content from word documents à fact-checking à edit à copy edit à design à proof  à Epson à print. Everyone plays a key role, even the interns. Every extra set of eyes helps.

I also had my first encounter with rewriting. Sometimes the facts you find out while writing and researching change the arc of the story—I needed to focus on a different, more relevant and worthwhile angle on a marine conservation, and I had to completely rewrite it.

It is true that constructive criticism makes you better. One of the most valuable opportunities this internship has given me so far—besides the obviously phenomenal experience as a whole—is having my writing edited. Not graded, but edited.

We are always learning, always changing, and we always have the opportunity to improve. Being around better writers has pushed me to hold myself to their standards and to try to get better at my craft.

There is nothing better than coming home after a busy day at your internship and realizing that you wouldn’t rather be doing anything else.

Next up: My first press trip—Adventuring in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea!



Week One: The Adventure Begins!

After a fun-filled few days at Universal Studios, it was finally time to travel to Winter Park and begin what would prove to be an amazing adventure, chock-full of first-time experiences, friendly faces, and my very own cubicle.

I had been counting down the days from when George Wozencraft first notified me that I had, incredibly, been chosen for this prestigious internship (cue the composed phone call, followed by excited squeals and several emotional calls to my parents). The internship of my dreams was within reach—all I had to do was reach out and grab it.

After moving everything into Bonnier Corporation’s ultra-modern company loft (in the rain, might I add: the inevitable afternoon rain is one thing this Tennessee girl still has not gotten used to), walking distance to their office in Winter Park Village, I finally took a breath.  Here I was, 20 years old, almost 700 miles from home, and about to walk into one of the largest special interest publishing groups in the country. I must confess… I was a tad nervous.

Little did I know that my nervousness Sunday night would be all for naught—as soon as I met Patricia Wuest, editor-in-chief for both Scuba Diving and Sport Diver magazines, I felt instantly at ease.

After all, most of the people in the dive publishing group at Bonnier are divers. One thing I’ve learned in my five years of diving is that divers are pretty awesome people; this group did not disappoint!

As Patricia gave me the grand tour, I shook many hands and met lots of smiling faces; unfamiliar to me then, these people would come to play huge parts in my experience here at Bonnier Corp.

My first few days were spent familiarizing myself with the magazines’ layouts, getting my logins for the numerous online platforms Bonnier uses, and learning the lay of the land (er, ocean?).

I'm official! My first

I’m official! My first cubicle.

I dove in quickly, embracing my busy schedule—I attended three meetings the first day alone, learning about budget and collaborating on the creative content (Note to self: bring a sweater or parka when meeting in Zone 1).  I soon learned to swear by Gmail’s calendar; without the little ding! alerting me of a meeting in 5 minutes, I probably would’ve been known as the Late Intern by the end of the first day. (Glad I escaped that stereotype…)

I was continually amazed by the efficiency in the office, much of it coordinated by the uber-organized Ashley Annin—once an intern, and now the Managing Editor—she, along with Alex Bean, Digital Editor, and Tara Bradley, Assistant Editor, provided many of my “Intern Training” sessions—all neatly recorded on my Google Calendar, of course.

I was fact-checking and posting to Sport and Scuba Diver’s website before I knew it.  There is nothing like the rush you get when you realize that YOU are responsible for the article so many divers read and share.  I soon found it to be addicting.

I even finished my first original article, written for the Briefs section of the October 2014 print edition of Sport Diver. Interviewing the Executive Director of the Turtle Island Restoration Network’s Cocos Islands project and being able to say I work for Sport Diver was absolutely surreal and humbling. Writing about endangered sea turtles and the work these scientists have done towards their protection was an honor, and I can’t wait for it to come out in print so many other divers find out about what they can do to help our beautiful ocean and the animals in it.

I truly saw every side of publishing this first week, cumulating in being a stand-in model for Sport Diver’s Gear Guide on Thursday.  Working with the amazing Elizabeth Fleener, Chelsea Pomales, and John the photographer/lighting wizard was so memorable. I got to see where the magic happens—where those gear guides that I have so thoroughly pored over for years were shot, how they are put onto the layout, and the creative minds behind it.

image (6)

The lighting set-up for Sport Diver’s Gear Guide

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Me (eeek!) and photographer John testing the lighting and gear for the gear guide.

Okay, this is getting long. I promise to wrap it up, but before I go, I want to thank everyone at OWUSS and the Bonnier Dive Group that has made my first week phenomenal.

I look forward to the next week of my adventure.

Until then,

Schyler Cox



Lionfish, Morays and Manatees, Oh My!

My time in Biscayne National Park began with some rocky travel. First I had to return from Yellowstone National Park, which was an adventure in and of itself. Brett, Koza and I dropped off Brian Skerry in Jackson Hole to catch his flight, and then we made the nine-hour drive back to Denver. By the time we stopped at the office to switch out my drysuit for my wetsuit it was already almost midnight! I got a few hours sleep back at Dave and Michelle’s, then packed up my things and went to the airport.

Two flights, a rental car mix-up and an enormously large headache later I arrived in Biscayne National Park. Being back in the South and hearing cicadas again felt like putting on a comfortable sweater- albeit a hot and humid one! I met my awesome flatmates Jeneva Plumb Wright, an intern with Cultural Resources here in the park, and JT, a fellow southerner doing a three-month maintenance stint in the park. And with that I unpacked, prepped my gear for the next morning and fell asleep.

In the morning I met up with Dave Conlin, who had flown to Biscayne a few days earlier. He was assisting a program called Youth Diving with a Purpose, or YDWP. The program is made up of a diverse group of students from different schools, states and even countries, and all of them gain exposure to underwater archeology through the program. Excited to see their work, I splashed down with Dave Conlin, David Gadsby, an archeologist with the National Park Service, and Chuck Lawson, the Cultural Resource manager at the park, and started photographing the intrepid young archaeologists.


Dave having fun with some seaweed!

The site the YDWP program was working on this year is called Captain Ed’s Wreck.The ship lies in about 20 feet of water, and is about 11 miles offshore. According to Josh Marano, a Biscayne National Park archeologist, the ship was from the mid 19th century, and was a sailing cargo vessel. The name came from a concessionaire captain, Captain Ed, who discovered the site and led snorkel trips there- he notified the Park Service of the site and the wreck still bears his name.

The water was an absolute dream to dive in, especially after diving in the 40 degree Fahrenheit water of Yellowstone Lake. Even more exciting than the lovely water temperature and excellent visibility however, was the excitement of the kids in the Youth Diving with a Purpose program. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and after each dive I was eager to get back in the water to photograph their work. It was a challenge to compose a picture with 20 young archeologists diving around the site, but after a few dives the students fell into a rhythm, and it became easier to isolate them photographically to compose a shot.


The students had a chance to show-off their newfound diving and archeological skills when Brian Carlstrom, the superintendent of the park, visited the site. Dave Conlin acted as tour guide and showed Brian where the masts of the wreck used to be, as well as other archeological points of interest. The students shared their work with the superintendent and wrapped up their last day of diving!


Superintendent Brian Carlstrom (left) gives the “ok” to a student archeologist.

Once YDWP concluded I joined the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) on their project documenting the Long Reef Cannon Site in the park. The SEAC team included David Morgan, the director of SEAC, Thadra Stanton, the Principal Investigator of the project, Charlie Sproul, a Museum Specialist and Meredith Hardy, an archeologist. The SEAC team was also joined by several members of the SRC, including John Bright, Jessica Keller and Susannah Pershern. Chuck Lawson, Josh Marano and Jeneva Wright of Biscayne National Park also contributed to the project, making it a collaborative effort across different groups of the National Park Service. It was great to see so many different organizations working together!

It was also great to learn more about underwater archeology. Since my main focus is in underwater photography (pun intended) my archeological skills aren’t quite up to snuff. Joining the SEAC/SRC/Biscayne team on this project gave me an opportunity to learn more about the process of documenting an archeological site.

After spending a few days working on the Long Reef Cannon Site I transitioned to working with ongoing projects in Biscayne National Park. One project I was excited to work on was the Lionfish eradication and research project. Lionfish are an invasive species whose population has exploded in the last decade. The invasive fish are voracious eaters, and their fast rate of reproduction makes them a threat to many native reef fish. Each year the park hires interns to conduct research and help eradicate the invasive species; I worked with this year’s grad student interns: Megan Davenport, Michael Hoffman and Kristian Rogers.


My first day with the Lionfish team was a little bumpy; I made the mistake of having coffee on an empty stomach before going diving- mistake number one! The weather was a little stormy, and to top it off my regulator malfunctioned, although thankfully it happened before the dive and not underwater. Hyped up nerves, a rocking boat and intense heat resulted in my first bout of seasickness. Ugh!

                                                                                    The stormy weather while returning to the dock. 

Thankfully we had better weather the next day, and with my newly found “sea legs” I was able to join the lion fish team both on the boat and underwater. Kristian, Mike and Megan definitely made using the speargun look easy- my two attempts went wide. I only hope that the poor fish ended up as another fish’s dinner!


Kristian spearing a large lionfish.

Jeneva and I also had the opportunity to “fillet” some lionfish for dinner. I use the word fillet generously, as it was more like a butchery. Apparently there’s only so much you can learn from a Youtube video!


Jeneva braces herself for the smell.

I also got to spend some time monitoring sea turtle nesting sites in the park. Shelby Moneysmith, the regional Dive Safety Officer and a park biologist, Katie Fisher, a biological technician, and the Fish and Wildlife interns Kelsy Armstrong and Nicole Rodi and I all piled on the boat and went to Elliot Key to look for turtle nests. Looking for turtle nests was like being a detective; we had to interpret the turtle tracks to see if and where the sea turtle laid her eggs. We had a particularly busy day for turtle activity with plenty of false tracks and possible nests.

The high point of my time in Biscayne was a chance manatee encounter while doing sea turtle monitoring. All I needed was for someone to shout “Manatees!” and I was over the side of the boat with my camera. I was actually so excited that I flung my hat, sunglasses and other items all across the boat in my haste to get in the water! It was my first time seeing manatees, and snorkeling with the gentle giants was just amazing. Plus they made great models!


Later in the day we also went on two dives to do reef visual counts, or RVCs. Katie and Shelby explained to me that RVCs had been performed in the park and surrounding area for years, and have been done by different organizations at the local, state and federal level. This has yielded a huge dataset that shows biologists the “big picture” about fish populations in the area. One of the more interesting things we saw on our RVC dives was a beautiful green moray eel, who was  obviously hamming it up for the camera.


Say cheese!

My last adventure in the park was to assist with Lobster Mini-Season, an annual dive derby to catch Caribbean Spiny Lobsters. This was a great opportunity to work with a different side of the park; law enforcement officers, biologists, rangers and volunteers all came together to help assess the mini-season’s impact on the lobster population in the park.


My role was to interview the captain of each boat to find out where, how and how long each boat was  fishing for lobster. It was definitely a hectic experience when we had boats coming in constantly, but I really enjoyed interacting with visitors to the park.

Visiting Biscayne National Park was a rush of different people, projects and experiences. My favorite part of my experience thus far has been meeting the passionate, kind and knowledgeable people that work at each park. If the people I’ve met so far are any indication, then I’m in for a treat as I make my way across the US. Next stop: Dry Tortugas!


Yellowstone 2.0

Our first trip to Yellowstone concluded with some amazing technology. Mark Hardy, co-owner of a company called 3D at Depth, joined us in the park for the last few days of our project. Apparently the inability to pack light holds true for underwater technology as well, as Mark was accompanied by several pelican cases of gear!

3D at Depth specializes in the underwater application of a scanning technology called lidar which illuminates a target with a laser then analyzes the reflected light. The resulting data set is called a “point cloud” image. Whenever the laser hits the subject of interest it creates a point, and then millions of points combine to form the final image.



For the Yellowstone project, our target was a rowboat that had been sunk in front of Lake Hotel in the early 20th century. Although Lidar is still a relatively new technology it is rapidly becoming the industry standard in the architectural and engineering world due to its accuracy.  3D At Depth is perfecting the technology in the subsea, or underwater environment, particularly in the oil and gas industry world wide. The SRC has partnered with 3D At Depth to explore how the technology can be utilized to both map historic shipwrecks and educate the public through 3D models. Because this particular laser scanner was depth rated to 3000 meters (thats 9,842.52 feet!) it was pretty unwieldy and extremely heavy, so getting it off and on the boat was quite a process! YELL-DUW-140625-44YELL-DUW-140625-45YELL-DUW-140625-31

In order to get a 360 degree scan of the rowboat we had to scan nine times each from different angle. This meant that Brett and I would hop in the water, move the scanner, and then surface while the scan was underway. 30 minutes later we’d be back in the water to move the laser again! I broke a new personal record with six dives in one day, although all of them were only to 25′ and relatively short dives. You can check out 3D At Depth profile of the Yellowstone scanning project by clicking the 3D At Depth logo below (opens new window).

3dSubseaLidar-Horizontal-weblogoYELL-DUW-140226-009 0626141315aYELL-DUW-140226-025

After the scanning was complete our work in Yellowstone was done. We packed up the trailer and left it ready for the next trip a week later, and then began the nine-hour trip home. Being back in Denver meant having a week off to relax and prepare for the next Yellowstone trip. The whole Submerged Resources Center Staff was in town (which rarely happens) so it was the perfect opportunity for a staff photo, taken by yours truly. It was a great opportunity to meet everyone, and catch up on different projects that had been ongoing around the country.


Being in Denver also meant I had the opportunity to explore some of the quirkier aspects the city had to offer. Jessica Keller, one of the SRC archaeologists, took me to play a game of underwater hockey. The game is played in eight feet of water, and each player holds a miniature hockey stick to move the puck around the pool and into the opposing team’s goal. After watching a couple YouTube videos I was pretty nervous, as underwater hockey players seemed as competitive and aggressive as real hockey players!  But once I got in the water my nervousness vanished, and I even managed to score two goals! According to the players I was a “natural,” which I thought was pretty funny for such an unusual sport. It must have been all of that club swimming growing up! (Thanks Mom).

Hanging with a Yeti!

Hanging with a Yeti!

After underwater hockey Jess and I went back to her place, where we had some delicious ribs barbecued by SRC archaeologist and grill master John Bright. I’m a recovering vegetarian, and those ribs were the best (and only) I’ve had in seven years! Our food adventures weren’t done there; the next day John and Jess took me to one of their favorite restaurants, the Sherpa House in Golden, Colorado. It was an all-you-can eat Tibetan café, so needless to say I ate all I could!


So with high spirits and a full stomach I was ready for my second trip to Yellowstone. On this project, the SRC was collaborating with National Geographic Magazine and their underwater photographer Brian Skerry to image the geothermal features in Yellowstone Lake. Apparently National Geographic is dedicating an entire issue of the Magazine to Yellowstone National Park in the Fall of 2015 in anticipation of the NPS Centennial anniversary which happens in 2016. Through the SRC’s relationship with Senior Photo Editors at National Geographic they were able to offer up a rarely seen side of Yellowstone, its underwater world, and support this project along with the Park. I researched Brian’s work in college, and even had one of his books signed at the Boston Sea Rovers Film Festival a few months earlier. I was a little worried that I would be too awestruck to speak intelligibly, but luckily he was kind, humble and a great person to learn from. Turns out that earlier in his career he was the recipient of an Our World Underwater Scholarship Society internship as well, which I thought was pretty neat.


Me helping prep Brian’s gear!

The other members of our troop included the SRC’s Deputy Chief and Photographer Brett Seymour, who was on the first Yellowstone trip last week, and Volunteer In Parks (VIP) Jim Koza (known to us simply as Koza) who is a retired NPS’er with nearly 40 years experience running boat and dive operations in and around the NPS. I rounded out the foursome, and after we arrived in Yellowstone Brian started the task of unpacking his nine Pelican cases and prepping his gear.

Saying goodbye to the Mahn!

Saying goodbye to the Mahn!

Koza and I boarded the Robert E. Mahn for an orientation provided by former Lake District Ranger Rick Fey. Rick was a fount of knowledge for all things boat-related, and showed Koza and I the ins and outs of the Mahn. We were taking the boat around the lake when the port engine unexpectedly shut off! Koza maneuvered the boat back to the harbor using only the starboard engine, and then he, Rick and a couple maintenance guys checked out the engine. I didn’t understand all of the lingo about the “outdrive engine,” but at the end of the day we had to find another boat to use. Luckily enough the Maintenance department in the Lake Region generously lent us one of their boats, and we were back in business on the Warwood.

Notice the white knuckles?

Notice the white knuckles?

My role on this trip was to assist Brett and Brian on their dives and act as camera assistant (handing in and retrieving cameras and lights, last minute vacuum seals, etc.), deckhand, and Dive Supervisor. This was a great opportunity, as I was able to pick up all sorts of useful skills, such as tying knots. Koza is an absolute knot guru, and so I learned the clove hitch, square knot, grapevine knot, Prussik knot, bowline, sheepshank, sheetbend, alpine butterfly knot, anchor bend and figure eight knot. Whew! I also got some more practice at driving a boat, as well as “parking” it! It was a little bumpy, but practice makes perfect.

One of the most important things I learned on this trip was to back up my work on an external hard drive. One night while mooching internet at the Ranger station my hard drive suddenly shut down. My pleas to my laptop went unanswered, and my photos from Yellowstone were lost. It was very upsetting to lose the photographs and all my files, but as Brett said, it’s better to have that lesson learned sooner in both my internship and career rather than later! Now I’ve established a nightly back-up to an external hard drive, just in case.

We had some very special guests join us while diving on Yellowstone Lake: Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk, and Chief of the Yellowstone Center for Resources Dave Hallac both joined us for a morning dive. It was a beautiful day with a calm lake, and their visit was a great opportunity to meet the people running the park! We also had former Chief Ranger and Regional Dive Officer Bob Whaley join us for a day; he started the dive program at Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway in Wisconsin/Minnesota and it was great to hear about his dive programs accomplishment with invasive species on the St. Croix River.


From left to right: Brian Skerry, Dan Wenk, Brett Seymour and Dave Hallac

And of course, I can’t forget the fantastic advice I received from Brian! He encouraged me to get involved in the marine science community, and use photography to tell scientific stories. My favorite thing he said regarding underwater photography was when he said to “take photos that makes that person sitting in a dentist’s chair stop and read the captions.” His advice and encouragement was fantastic motivation to push myself professionally and photographically, and I can’t wait to see where this summer leads me!


Me, Brian, and Brett at a thermal feature in Mary Bay of Yellowstone Lake


Surface support for Brian and Brett



Week Two: More Coffee, Please.

The beginning of my second week started with meetings. Lots and lots of meetings. The dive group—the interns and all of the editors and art directors and photo editors—made the journey through the humid Winter Park Village jungle to the frigid arctic of Bonnier’s Zone 5, where we holed up and took over their conference room. And when I say took over, I mean we took over. Patricia brought in muffins and bagels and cookies, and some kind soul from the office bought us cupcakes. (Ashley made the mistake of buying a massive tub of goldfish that we finished that day. It was actually kind of scary…)

We even made frequent coffee runs to their kitchens. (Speaking of coffee, I believe I’ve become addicted.)

It was amazing to see all those creative minds at work as we pored over the neatly organized issue plans for 2015 and pitches from contributing writers.

We were planning both Sport Diver and Scuba Diving’s entire 2015 year: gear, trips, magazine plans, briefs, articles, who would write what and go where. I found myself thinking over and over again: So this is how it works.

It wasn’t as formal as I had thought it would be, but I liked the give and take and honest collaboration. If you had an idea to share or an opinion, you put it out there and contributed, and it was considered.

I soon learned that everything in the publishing world is deliberate. From strategically placing the shark-themed cover and feature right before Shark Week to putting the island hopping emphasis in spring to allow time for summer trip planning, everything was in a certain spot for a reason.

Roger Roy, director of ScubaLab, joined us on Wednesday to plan 2015’s gear for both magazines. The tough part of having two scuba diving related magazines is planning—both magazines can’t feature the same gear relatively close to one another. Art director extraordinaire Elizabeth Fleener was also heavily involved in this conversation, as the aesthetic quality of the magazine comes into play here. I had never really given much thought to the appeal of dive gear, but as she pointed out, it’s really hard to make drysuits and wetsuits look visually appealing. Black, grey, and more black. (I would soon be able to witness this firsthand in the photo studio, but I’m getting ahead of myself!)

I was taken away to paradise—crystal clear waters, palm trees, and exotic fish—as next year’s travel plans were put on the table.

Philippines, Australia, Grand Cayman, Bahamas, Raja Ampat, Wakatobi, South Africa, California… the list went on. And I nearly swooned when the editors began almost calling “dibs” on the trips and saying where they haven’t been and what is on their “dive bucket list.”

I whispered to Tara Bradley, senior editor for Sport Diver, “You mean… you get PAID to go on these trips?” It was a newbie question, sure. But I couldn’t believe it. I dreamed of going on these exotic trips, and they were able to go AND get professional photography AND write about it. All as a part of their job.

Now that is the life.

Last, but not least (I promise I’m wrapping it up), was Thursday’s photoshoot. Sounds so glamorous.

Although it wasn’t quite glamorous in the way I imagine a fashion shoot would be, I had a lot of fun working with Chelsea, Elizabeth, John, and Roger down in the photo studio. I’m a diver, so wearing scuba gear is natural, but the photographer in me loved being able to see the design and artistic aspect. Only my torso is going to be famous, but hey, better than nothing!

I felt like a kid in a candy shop, surrounded by tons of brand new scuba gear. The scuba geek in me came out and I talked to Roger about all the new dive computers for at least 15 minutes before I realized I should actually put the gear on to get started.

All in all, an amazing week. Who knew it could get better?



Welcome to Jellystone!

“Welcome to Jellystone!” was our first official welcome into Yellowstone National Park. We rolled in on Monday evening, after a nine-hour drive from Lakewood, Colorado. Our team for this project includes Andres Diaz, an underwater archaeologist, Brett Seymour, an underwater photographer and Deputy Chief, Dave Conlin, the Chief of the Submerged Resources Center and myself.

Tuesday morning dawned bright and early and we started preparations for our two-week project. Brad Ross, the Lake District Ranger gave us a tour of the Bridge Bay Marina, and took us on a short trip on the lake in the Robert E. Mahn, the boat we will be using for our diving operations. We also met Pat Bigelow, a Fisheries Biologist in the park. She outlined some areas of interest for us to survey using the side-scan sonar. The rest of the day was spent preparing the trailer and the boat for operations.


Wednesday was our first day in action, and we woke up to a thin coat of snow covering the dock. We had planned to spend the first half of the morning scanning, and then the afternoon diving, but scanning took up most of the day. Our main focus in Yellowstone is photographing and mapping a natural phenomenon called spires, which are large cylindrical growths formed by bacteria that are 11,000 years old. The spires are found in the north-west area of Lake Yellowstone, and are 10-30 feet high. By scanning the spires with the side-scan sonar we were able to get prices GPS locations for each spire, as well as map the underwater topography of the area. The process for surveying is interesting, however not particularly exciting, as you’re basically driving a boat back and forth in a series of lines as you tow the sonar and collect data. Dave put it best when he said “If you’re doing it right, sonar surveying is boring.” We also scanned some sunken rowboats in front of Lake Hotel which we’ll be photographing and diving near later in our trip. Once our surveying was concluded we brought the boat back to the marina, and wrapped up our day with dinner and some “Moose Tracks” ice cream for dessert. I think they should be called Bison Tracks, but regardless, it’s never too cold for ice cream!



The next day was “splashdown,” as we braced the cold water for a morning dive. I’ve used drysuits in the past, but it’s truly a different beast when you’re diving professionally versus recreationally. For example, who knew that the zipper on your thermal goes on the front!


A new fashion statement?

I tried to prepare mentally, but the 38 degree Fahrenheit water was quite a shock. I had “brain freeze” for a few minutes after we descended, but luckily I was soon distracted by beautiful scenery. We dove in the West Thumb Geyser Basin, which was home to thermal vents both on land and underwater. We came across quite a few “bubblers,” which were small areas of the bottom that were emitting gas bubbles. Even more exciting were the two cavernous holes in the bottom of the lake, which were covered in bright green algae and releasing water at a toasty 48 degree Fahrenheit. We descended into one of the holes, which went about 10 feet below the bottom. It was definitely an otherworldly experience!


Geothermal vents promote algal growth, which blankets construction materials from a destroyed dock. 

We finished up our surveying by scanning some areas of interest provided by Pat Bigelow and the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources department. Lake trout are an invasive species in the lake, and threaten native Cutthroat trout. The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources team records and analyzes the amount of fish caught in certain areas, so we scanned a few locations where they had caught large amounts of the invasive trout. The best part about scanning was I got to try my hand at driving the boat! All went smoothly despite a few navigational hiccups (I blame the wind.)


Andres (left) and Dave pulling up the sonar towfish. 

Once surveying was complete we began focusing more on the photography aspect of our trip. We began diving on the spires, which were a little deeper at around 50 ft. Because the spires are deeper than the geothermal vents, the visibility was quite poor, and any careless fin movement stirred up clouds of silt. It was a great challenge to control buoyancy, not stir up silt, and still get good photos. It took a couple tries, but with some great tips from Brett I finally got a few good shots! One of the humbling aspects of diving among the spires, besides their otherworldly appearance, is the fact that I’m one of approximately 30 people to have seen them in person. The nearest scuba support is in Jackson Hole, and the lack of scuba support combined with the cold water makes diving the spires a nightmare for recreational divers. It makes me feel even more fortunate to have this amazing opportunity!


Me next to the spires! (Photo by Brett Seymour)

We also photographed a number of rowboats in front of Lake Hotel. These rowboats were used to ferry visitors and guests of Lake Hotel, and were sunk in the early 20th century.


Diving in Yellowstone definitely requires a steep learning curve. Some challenges included getting familiar with a drysuit again, dealing with mask flooding, and trying to find the boat anchor in silted out visibility. Oh, and have I mentioned the cold? Every day there’s a new curveball and something else to become familiar with. A lot of people at the park think that what we do is glamorous, and as the photo below shows, it’s anything but!


Diving means every day is a “bad hair day!”

Of course, crazy hair and difficult diving conditions become minor concerns when surfacing from a dive with this view. Good thing I’ll be coming back next week!





COARE Surprise


Having never heard of the Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research, and Education (COARE)¹ and little to go on, since the website is meager (which would come to be a point I had to address later), I envisioned a typical cubicle job where I would sit and type away on whatever project Mr. Boss Man had instructed was necessary. Saving the world one beach-clean-up day-report at a time! Thus was the extent of my not-for-profit expertise.



Little did I know I would be one-man-banding the organization’s finances, running my own campaign, and researching everything from how much water it takes to make a paper cup (103.6 oz)² to how many hooks an ‘artisanal fisherman’ has (anywhere from 4,000 to 20,000 due to the undefined vagueness of what it means to be artisanal³). Turns out there is a reason for the shabby website and little news press; the organization is tiny. I mean no staff, no office, and 3 unpaid interns tiny. Don’t let the size fool you though. From changing plastic bag policy to creating shark safe certifications for restaurants⁴, this rag-tag team gets a lot done with very little.

How can this be, do you say?

From the sheer passion and devotion of the board and crew to help save the environment in whatever way they can.



I am proud to now call myself part of the team, and have cards to prove it! Although I have yet to give one out to someone who isn’t a friend I am showing off to.

COARE business cards. Ba-bam!

COARE business cards. Ba-bam!

Filled to the brim with erupting excitement, I have hit the ground running with grants to write, campaigns to market, and extensive research to be done. While I don’t have anything to report, mostly in the preliminary stages as of yet, I await the moment when I can divulge all the intricacies that I have been working on.

Until then,

Nicci (Official Ocean Conservation Intern at The Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research, and Education)


¹ and

² The Boston Globe. Why paper cups just aren’t greener. 04/02/14.

³Arocha, F. et al. Enhanced Monitoring of Large Pelagic Fishes Caught
by the Venezuela Artisanal Northwestern Atlantic Waters : A Preliminary
Analysis. 69.3 (2013): 1317–1332.



Getting Geared Up with the National Park Service

Hi everyone, I’m Yasmeen Smalley, the 2014 National Park Service Submerged Resources Intern! This amazing opportunity stems from the generosity of both the Submerged Resources Center (SRC) and the Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society.

My summer adventures began last Saturday when I flew from Boston to the SRC office in Denver, Colorado. I had spent most of the previous night packing frantically, so I arrived in Denver bleary-eyed but excited to meet the people who would be helping and coaching me throughout my travels. Brett Seymour, the Deputy Chief and Photographer at the SRC picked me up at the airport, and we made our way to Boulder, where I would stay with Dave Conlin, the Chief at the SRC, his wife Michelle, and their energetic dog Luke.

Normally all of the SRC staff convenes for a barbecue, but because half of the staff is currently doing work in Florida we had a small get together at Dave and Michelle’s, which was a great way to be welcomed to Colorado.

Since I arrived on a Saturday, we had all of Sunday to explore the natural beauty of the area and for me to get settled in. Since I grew up in Houston, Texas and attended school in Rochester, New York, I’m used to living in a very urban environment. While Denver and Boulder are both cities, they’re very close to beautiful foothills and rock formations, including one called the Flatirons. Being able to drive by these beautiful mountains each day is a wonderful change from skyscrapers and pavement!


Doing a morning hike in the Flatirons!

My first day “on the job” was spent driving around Denver with Brett to different medical appointments; I got a chest x-ray as well as several blood tests, with a physical and audiology test scheduled for later in the week. Being poked and prodded is necessary to ensure safe diving, but it’s certainly not my favorite part of the process! The second half of the day was much more enjoyable- I got to try on gear that I’ll be using in the field! My travels will take me to Yellowstone, Biscayne, Dry Tortugas, and Channel Islands National Park, as well as the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument. Because of the variability of water temperatures in these parks, my exposure suits will range from rash guards to a drysuit.


That neck seal sure is tight!

The rest of my week has followed the same format; medical tests in the morning, and then gearing up in the afternoon. Brett and I also went to a local dive shop to use their pool for some dive tests. My current residence in New England doesn’t allow for much diving during the winter months, so it was good to get in the pool and become familiar with the new gear. Besides a fin floating away during a “ditch and don” exercise, all went smoothly!

The next step was to prepare all of my gear for our two-week trip to Yellowstone. We leave on Monday, and will be loading our gear into a truck and trailer. Due to the equipment-heavy nature of underwater photography and videography, none of the SRC staff can “pack light.” For myself I have a large dive bag, a bag containing my drysuit and thermals, a Pelican case full of camera gear, a dry bag full of my clothes, and a backpack with electronics and personal items. Whew!


My new and improved camera housing! Sweeeet.

Since yesterday was Friday the 13th and a full moon, I decided to take my camera gear and explore some of the Rockies in search of some magical pictures. After a few hours driving around in the dark I found the perfect spot to photograph.

Full Moon   Full Moon

And as if my week wasn’t eventful enough, I had a minor trip to the ER yesterday! While loading gear into the trailer I accidentally dropped a 75 lb tank on two of my fingers, resulting in a small “Tufts” fracture of the tip of my index finger. I’m not superstitious, but fracturing my shutter finger on Friday the 13th definitely makes me a little more wary of things that go bump in the night! Luckily I’ll still be able to dive (I verified this with Dave multiple times in the ER) so I just have to wait for it to heal and use my middle finger for the camera shutter in the meantime.

0613141854 Xray

Hopefully the next couple days go smoothly, and pretty soon I’ll be diving in Yellowstone!

Until then,




Underwater Photography

Towards the end of my internship I had the opportunity gain a good bit of experience working with underwater cameras.  The aquarium camera was still out of commission from last time we used it for the rockfish survey, so Vallorie was gracious enough to allow me to use her own personal camera and housing.  She spent some time with me going over the settings as well as showed me how to set up the housing and check to make sure there were not any leaks.  I took the camera into the Halibut Flats exhibit to get some practice using it underwater. c4 I have used underwater video equipment in the past for benthic monitoring surveys, but I had no previous experience taking still shots, which I found to be much more difficult.  My first few pictures came out extremely blurry, but after playing around with the lights and concentrating on steadying my hands shots began to come out clearer and crisper.  After the dive, Vallorie showed me how to properly clean and take apart the housing.  We took the memory card out and put it into the computer to check out my photos.  As we looked over them, Vallorie asked me questions about the photos- How could this shot have been better? What would you do differently about the lighting? How could you have changed the point of view to make a more interesting background? She often teaches me by giving me minimal instruction prior to a task, allowing me to figure out how to do something, and more often how not to do something.  Inevitably I make mistakes, but end up learning a lot from the errors.

On Wednesday we took the aquarium RV, Gracie Lynn, out for a collection dive; our goal was to collect Enteroctopus dofleini (giant pacific octopus) and jellyfish- in particular Aurelia (moon jellies) and Chrysaora (sea nettles).  We headed south out of Yaquina Bay towards North Pinnacle, one of my favorite dive sites in this area.  As we moved through the water, which was a mellow brown color because of plankton blooms, we kept our eyes pealed for jellies.  Jellyfish often congregate where two water masses converge.  The water masses can differ in a number of respects including salinity, density, or more commonly for this region- temperature.  This time of year we often see upwelling at high spots of the reefs.  Cold deep water flows inland and upon hitting the reef it is forced upward.  Jellies are often found in abundance where the cold deep water meets the warmer subsurface water and are pushed to the surface by the strong upward currents.  When the depth finder signaled that we were over a high point on the reef we all looked overboard to search for jellies.  As suspected, we saw them congregating just below the surface.  Peter, an intern from the Aquarium Science Program at Oregon Coast Community College, suited up to free dive and jumped in the water.  We handed a net down to him and filled a barrel with water to hold the jellies that he would catch.  I watched as he put his face in the water to watch below for specimens that were in good enough condition to put on display in the aquarium.  He free dove down about 10 feet to where most of the undamaged sea nettles were hiding out.  One by one he handed up sea nettles and moon jellies of varying sizes.  After about half an hour, the jellies seemed to disperse, and Peter was having more difficulty catching them so we helped him aboard and continued on our way.

c9 When we arrived at the top of the pinnacle Jim briefed us on how to best catch an octopus.  The easiest method is to lay the bag behind the octopus mantle and then place your hand in front of the octopus. Using this method the octopus will back up on its own into the collection bag. I would be diving with Vallorie and my primary focus was to take photos, although if we saw an octopus we would by all means attempt to bring it up.  The ocean was much calmer than last week, and the visibility, at about 7 ft., was not bad either.  Due to the relatively mild conditions, Vallorie felt it was a great opportunity to load me with a few more tasks than I would normally take on.  I would handle the reel, camera, and navigation.  Since we would be using a safety reel tied off to the anchor line the navigation part would not be too difficult, but I still needed to get us oriented in the correct direction so we could find deeper water; I needed to reach at least 60 ft. in order for the dive to count towards my 60ft depth certification.  I took a giant stride off the stern, tapped my head to signal I was ok, and reached up to grab the camera.  I attached it to the D ring on my right, as I already had my octo, computer, and a reel attached to my left D ring.

We descended along the anchor line to the top of the pinnacle, and I tied off the safety reel to the anchor line, which was a more difficult task than usual because I had to hold the camera and deal with surge.  Once the line was secure, I used my compass to find East, and I signaled for us to swim in that direction.  We slowly made our way along the reef, keeping our eyes peeled for octopus as I experimented with the camera, still figuring out how to orient the lights.  Even with the task loading, my air consumption was better than it had been on previous off shore dives, and I could tell that I am getting used to the Pacific North West conditions. I tried to take interesting shots and get as close as possible to each subject in order to capture as much detail as possible.

 Back aboard Gracie Lynn, we were excited to find that Jenna and Brittany had already brought up one octopus- a cute little fellow, about 20 lbs.  Jim and Peter geared up and got in the water to try their hand in octopus catching.  They resurfaced about half an hour later with a great catch.  They managed to get a fairly large 45 lb octopus!  We put it in one of the totes and covered the lid so that it wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable.  It was a very successful day; we came back with not one, but two octopus, 10 jellies, and I managed to get some great photos.  I am very excited to continue working on my underwater photography skills and it is wonderful to have such a great teacher! Thanks Vallorie 🙂         


AAUS certified

I have finally completed the last requirements towards becoming a fully certified AAUS scientific diver! The process began while I was still at home in Pennsylvania, with a medical exam to attest to my diving fitness.  Recreational divers are required to have a similar medical exam when they initially get certified, however to remain certified as a scientific diver you must complete a medical examination every 5 years until the age of 40, with more frequent medical exam requirements after that.  Throughout my first few weeks at the aquarium, I completed the preliminary requirements towards completing the certification, such as swim tests and open water checkouts.  The swimming evaluation consisted of four components: swimming underwater for 25 yards without surfacing, swimming 400 yards in less than 12 minutes, treading water for 10 minutes, and transporting another person 25 yards in the water. Initial scuba skill checkouts were basic- remove and replace mask, regulator recovery, alternate air source.  As the weeks continued I worked on fine tuning my buoyancy skills and using more advanced skills, such as hovering gear removal and SMB deployment, working with reels, lift bags, and hardware- all while wearing 7mm gloves of course.

My skills were put to test when I completed an underwater obstacle course that Jenna set up in the Shark Observation Pool.  Before getting in the water I put pieces of material in my mask so that I was ‘blindfolded’.   I finger crawled along the down line to make sure that I was descending at the proper rate.  Once I got to the bottom I followed another line until I got to the first station- nut and bolt assembly.  There were two bolts, one with nuts and washers on it and another that was empty.  I had to take the nuts and washers off the loaded bolt and move them to the empty one.  I wrapped the line around one of my arms to prevent myself from drifting off and loosing the obstacle course.  One by one I removed the nuts and washers and put them on the other bolt. knotsc Once I screwed on the last nut Jenna grabbed my hand and wrapped her thumb and forefinger around my thumb, signaling I had completed that task and could move on to the next station. I made an O with my fingers around the line and followed it to the next station- mask removal to un-blindfold myself.  I removed my mask, took out the material, replaced the mask, and cleared the water out.  Ahh I could see again! I again followed the line to the next station- knot tying.  First, I used the line to tie a clove hitch around a shark stick.  Jenna gave me the ok signal and I untied the line and tied a bowline around a ring of PVC.  Then I followed the line to the final station.  Rope was bundled up and zip tied together. I used my knife to remove the zip tie and handed Jenna the rope.  I had completed the obstacle course and even managed to keep my air consumption at its usual rate!

Scientific diving depth certifications are slightly different than those for recreational diving.  As a trainee, the permit level depth limit is 30ft., which can be exceeded with the permission of the DSO.  From there, depth certifications are to 60, 100, 130, 150, and 190ft.  At each level you must satisfy the minimum number of dives in that depth range in order to move to the next certification level.  To get a 60ft. certification, for example, you must complete 12 open water dives between 31-60ft.  All subsequent certification levels require only 4 dives between the old and new certification depths.  By the end of my internship I was able to obtain a depth certification level of 100 ft.

The most notable difference between the recreational and scientific diving certification is the academic requirement. The written exam for the scientific diver certification covers a great deal of information; In fact it is required that a minimum of 100 hours is dedicated to covering academic concepts.  AAUS powerpoints cover such topics as diving physics & physiology, AAUS standards, nitrox diving, harmful marine organisms, accident management and emergency care, diving under special conditions, and handling high-pressure cylinders.  Each week I studied a few of the powerpoints and review the quizzes at the end of each topic with Jenna or Vallorie.  It took, me about 6 weeks to get through all of them, at which point I was ready for the exam.  It was a lot of material and I spent hours studying, but my hard work paid off and I breezed through the test.

The last step towards becoming a scientific diver was completing an equipment exam.  Jenna put together two sets of gear, each which had a number of problems.  I had to inspect each set of gear and point out everything that was wrong with them.  Some of the problems were easy to spot, like the BCD was not lined up properly with the face of the cylinder.  Other details were more difficult to spot, such as missing zip ties around the mouthpiece of a regulator.  With each set of equipment I was able to quickly list of a number of problems I saw right away, but then had to spend a few minutes staring at the gear before I found all the problems.  This was a great exercise because it teaches you to inspect gear with extreme scrutiny.  The more I inspect gear the easier it will become for me to spot out potential problems, increasing not only my safety, but also the safety of my dive buddies.
