Now that I am home, I have had a chance to go through some of my pictures and reminisce about how amazing my life in Key Largo was. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to be down there and work with REEF and I can’t wait to go back to visit. I believe that pictures speak louder than words sometimes so here are a few from my time in the Keys.


Sargent Majors

Christ of the Abyss Statue

Beautiful reefs

Sargent Majors

Bluehead wrass


Sea fans

Giant schools of fish on Alligator


Alligator Lighthouse

Rainbow Parrotfish at Alligator Reef

Underwater structure at Alligator Reef

Over Under at Alligator

More turtles!

So colorful!

Yellowtail Snapper at Molasses Reef

Beautiful day at Molasses Reef

Nurse shark that swam right under me at Molasses Reef

Enjoying the sunset in the Bahamas

Derby Life

About to hop in the water for a Lionfish Survey

Packing up Lionfish

Night dive with Ocean Divers

Pouring rain at the Palm Beach Derby